Thursday, March 28, 2013

Honor Rose- 4-5 month catch up!

Gah! I'm such a neglectful blogger! So sorry. I know family at home loves to check in on us through this blog so I REALLY need to do a better job at keeping it updated. I will though! Or at least, I'll try!! Honor is now 5 months old and growing like a weed. A really tough, strong weed for sure but she is a joy beyond belief!

4 months

Weight: 16.09 lbs (85%tile)
Height: 25.9 inches (92%tile)
Head: 16.9 inches (88%tile)

Like I said, a growing weed right???? She is HUGE. But oh so cute! She's busted through her 3-6 month clothing, didn't even touch her 6-9 month outfits and is now wearing 9-12 month. I just sewed her a romper the other day and had to use the 12-18 month measurements for fear she'd only be able to wear it for a week and then outgrow it! 

FAST FORWARD to present day...

5 months

She has the best smile, which she will most assuredly share with you if you just take a glance in her direction. The most beautiful eyes...check them out...

She has now started eating some purees, rice cereal, Mum Mums, and some of Kenzie's Sesame Street cereal. She is getting pretty good at grasping for the food and putting it into her mouth. No doubt something a 6-9 month old should be doing but I am not surprised our little chunk is already mastering the art of feeding herself. She has rolled from front to back, although she despises tummy time with passion. She will pull down any toy hanging from her play mat, she will grab for any food or drink (note to self: coffee mugs are no longer allowed to be used!), and she will most likely be making some sort of noise at any waking moment of the day. Poor Brett has already decided he will never be getting a word in around his girls!!

She is such a joy and blessing to us. We are so thankful for her and her adorable BIG self. Her most recent trick: the full belly laugh. Check out this hilarious video from last night's bath time. Oh yes, her biggest fan and #1 hero is her Big Sister- just watch.

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