Hair color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Medium Blue
Clothes: 18 months/24 months
Shoes: barefoot
Diapers: cloth diapers, but when we are out and about we use disposables in a size 3 (barely! next box will be 4s!
Eating: finally her bottom two middle teeth have broken through!!! She now chews and drools on everything and anything so beware! Her favorite foods are...anything Kenzie is eating. She puts out both hands and grunts until you give her whatever Kenzie is noshing on. Her most favorite foods are raspberries, pizza, bananas, and teething biscuits.
Sleeping: 7 pm - 5 am and back down until 8 am.
Sleeping style: on her side, covered with a light blanket. I've come in to get her and she's been standing up holding on to the railing of her crib lately.
Likes: Standing up to play at the toy kitchen, her bucket of toys or the toy box. She just stands there and pulls every toy out that she can reach. She is into everything and anything she can get her hands on. This includes the freshly painted treat bags I made for her party :(
Dislikes: when people don't share their food, when she can't reach her toys,
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