Saturday, September 14, 2013

10 Months!!

Say what? It's birthday party planning time??? Ohhhhhhh yea!!! Honor will be having a Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday party!!! Courtesy of some heafty pinteresting, this is going to be an AHdorable birthday! Hard to believe time is still flying by! We skipped her 9 month well visit, so I don't have the medical stats for you but can catch you up on the rest!


Hair color: Light Blonde

Eye Color: Medium Blue, almost grey now!

Clothes: 18 months

Shoes: barefoot

Diapers: cloth diapers, but when we are out and about we use disposables in a size 3

Eating: this girl will mow down an avocado half in a heartbeat! She is now eating cereal and fruit for breakfast, puffs or crackers for a snack, fruit and veggies for lunch, some of Kenzie's afternoon snack, and either what we are eating for dinner or her own concoction of a starch and veggie. She really isn't a fan of being fed so she mostly eats whatever she can pick up and gum down. Still no teeth or signs of teeth! 

Sleeping: FINALLY sleeping for a longer block of time. Typically 7 pm to 3 am, and back down until 7-8. I'm starting to feel more human each day.  

Sleeping style: She rolls over onto her belly mostly, and has her A+A blanket on her lower half. She sometimes sits up in the middle of the night and backs herself into a corner, cries for someone to lay her back down and then goes back to sleep. Now that she's more comfortable crawling, she's all over her crib. Today's nap, she woke up on her knees reaching to stand! Big girl!!! 

Likes: Puzzles, especially the big wooden Melissa and Doug ones, balls or anything she can throw, etc. Her newest obsession is the remote control. Seriously, if you are ever over and she is crying, just give her a remote! 

Dislikes: when Kenzie sits on her, gets in her face or lays near her. She will squawk until Kenzie gives her some space. Needless to say, they are developing a strong love-hate relationship. She now is content playing pretty much on her own, I can even leave the room without her crying! Success!! 

Milestones: crawling, pulling up to knees (not quite standing yet), playing more independently, moving from room to room, waving "hi" on command, and giving kisses (makes cute smacking sounds with her lips!).

She is a doll. I am so smitten by our two beautiful girls!!! Life is grand!

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