Friday, November 16, 2012

3 Weeks!

Honor turned 3 weeks old this week- time is flying by!! She is getting more and more precious every day- not that I ever thought that could be possible! We had her 2 week check up this past Tuesday so I can update her stats for you all:

weight: 9 lbs 7 oz
height: 21.5 inches
head: 38 cm

We also had to schedule her spine ultrasound in the radiology department due to her funny shaped butt. It can be termed a "forked butt crack" or "sacral dimple" and can most likely be more of a cosmetic thing than a medical issue. But, there is always the possibility of a spinal defect because of where the fork happens- the spine is supposed to be fused to the tailbone. A Sacral Dimple is a sign for spina bifida or other spinal defects, which is why we need the ultrasound to see how her spine is fused and developing. It is a little unnerving to think that something so cute can lead to a medical complication- we are praying that everything is good to go! And if not, we love her just the same- she is perfectly and preciously made by the great Creator.

She is still a strong sleeper- getting up usually around 1 am and again at 5 am. She is a hefty eater too- has surpassed her birth weight and is our sweet chunky monkey. She's outgrown her Newborn size clothing and its filling out her 0-3 month outfits. Good thing I was such a savvy shopper with Kenzie- we have more than enough clothing to fit her in every color, print and style! I knew that my shopping addiction would come in handy one day ;)

Here are a few more beautiful 3 week photos to leave you swooning over!

Here are similar poses of both girls. Honor has a little more chub in her cheeks but they still look like twins to me!

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