Saturday, August 25, 2012

"I can get Baby Sister out!"

You know the phrase: "Kids say the darnedest things"??? Well, Kenzie has her new favorite phrase that always leaves Brett and I rolling on the floor in laughter. She is bound and determined to get Baby Sister out of my belly as soon as possible. I told Brett I better start writing these down because they are too funny not to share! Here are some of her recent ideas:

1. "I'll just brush my teeth and she'll come out"
2. "Mom, just put your arms out and spin around fast and Baby Sister will come out"
3. "Just squeeze your belly with your arms like you have to poop and Baby Sister will come out"
4. "Blow out like the Big Bad Wolf and she'll come out"
5. "Just sneeze!"

And today's recent idea, "Here, Mom, let me hit her and then she'll come out!" That idea resulted in me running away from her swatting hands, which in turn became a game of "chase."

I have to admit that I cannot wait for Honor to grace us with her presence, however with our stuff still somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, I hope she waits at least until her car seat arrives or we won't be coming home from the hospital!

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