Monday, May 27, 2013

Honor Rose- 7 months


Hair color: Light Blonde

Eye Color: Medium Blue

Clothes: 12-18 months (there was no use for her 3-6, 6-9 month clothing which now sits in baskets in her room)

Shoes: barefoot

Diapers: cloth diapers, but when we are out and about we use disposables in a size 3

Eating: every 3-4 hours, eats a fruit at breakfast, veggie at lunch and a veggie with cereal for dinner. She has recently tried spaghetti squash, spinach, mango, and kiwi. Licks the spoon clean each time! 

Sleeping: 7-11 pm, 11pm-7 am. Lately she has been waking at 11, eating and then taking forever to go back down- she will cry hysterically if I set her down. It's like she just wants more momma lovin and how can I be mad at that??? I do secretly long for the day she goes 7p-7a though! Soon, it will happen soon, right???? She has also started to move around quite a bit while sleeping. I have positioned her facing one side of the crib and she has woken up facing in the opposite direction. There are also times where she gets stuck in the middle of her crib and is so tall that her feet and head touch both sides. She's not a super fan of that! 

Sleeping style: wrapped waist down in the swaddle or in her A+A sleep sack (which is awful in the middle of the night changes because of the silly zipper! oye.)

Likes: playing with big sis, sitting up to play, going for jogs in the stroller, tummy gummies (blowing on her tummy), taking baths, jumping in her bouncer, snuggling with mom

Dislikes: being left alone in a room,  

Milestones: sitting up independently, scooting backwards in her walker, squirming around on the play mat and in her crib

She's our baby doll and I cannot love her enough!!!! I love seeing her grow and achieve new milestones, but it is a little bittersweet knowing that she won't be a baby much longer! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Mother's Day Poem by Kenzie Mae

My mom's name is Cassie

I love my mother when she makes me breakfast

My mother gets mad when I disobey

I know my mom is mad when she I don't know, say it for me! Mom, please say it for me! 

My mom likes to sleep

My mom likes dad to do I don't know

My mom likes to go to fishing

My mom is I don't know, 10?

My mom weighs 40  pounds 

My mom works hard when she gets here

My mom is like a dolphin

I like my mom when she I'm too sleepy to do it

My mom needs to sleep

My mom hates to go

My mom does take me to the playground best 

Happy Half Birthday Baby Honor!!!

This is a half of a post for Honor's half birthday! We still need to go to the doc for her 6 month well baby visit but we've had so many visitors that we are running a little behind. No biggie right???

Hair color: Light Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Clothes: 12-18 months

Shoes: size 2

Diapers: size 3, we started cloth diapering a few months ago (she wears mostly Sunbaby size 2) but she wears disposables while we are out an about since I am not a fan of carrying around soiled diapers all day!

Eating: every 3-4 hours

Sleeping: 7:30 pm to 3/5 am. We've had so many visitors that our routine is by the wayside but that's completely a good problem to have!!! We will get back into our regular routine of two naps a day and a hopeful overnight sleep! 

Sleeping style: She was wearing her swaddleme swaddles with the arms out but now has been moving around too much so she just wears her sleepers. She usually sleeps on her side with her thumb in her mouth. She is able to put herself to sleep quite well, but sometimes wants extra cuddles before bedtime. 

Likes: her big sister (she laughs constantly at Kenzie), grabbing for food (watch your plate!), bananas, playing with toys, hanging out in the Ergo, swimming

Dislikes: tummy time, applesauce, being left alone in a room 

Milestones: rolling front to back, bouncing in her bouncer, swimming in the pool and ocean (Mimi even dunked her underwater!), wearing sunscreen, eating food (bananas, yogurt, oatmeal, cereal, olives, peas, edamame, toast, applesauce, shaved ice), nomming on her toes, swinging at the park

T is for Tent, C is for Color

I'm playing catch up buy I had snapped several pics from our homeschool adventures so I thought I would share. I know quite a few of my SAHM are trying simliar things so I thought they might want to adopt some of these ideas.

 We built lots of tents inside the house. Kenzie played with her babies, she made pretend lunch and even took a pretend nap!

 With some convincing she event talked me into allowing her to have a lunch picnic under one of her tents. 

 One of her favorite activities in her tent was "star gazing." We shut off all the lights and used a flashlight to project cut out letters (t, x, z, g, a) onto the top of the tent. Kenzie and I took turns being the flashlight holder and the star watcher. 
 I think she loved making our house into a bunch of tents!! 

For C week we did lots with colors! One of my favorite ideas was to use our egg carton again to sort buttons by color. First, Kenzie went through our foam letter stash and picked out the letter "C" from each color. 

Then she sorted all of her buttons by color. I didn't have a white "C" or a purple "C" so those buttons were sorted on the lid. We had just watered her garden, hence the dirty finger nails! Ooops!! 

Some other things we did:

T- we sang lots of Twinkle Twinkle, made the letter T with sticks and yarn
C- we used water color paints to mix colors. I would paint one color and Kenzie would paint the other and then we'd mix together. I used this printable.