Hair color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Medium Blue
Clothes: 12-18 months (there was no use for her 3-6, 6-9 month clothing which now sits in baskets in her room)
Shoes: barefoot
Diapers: cloth diapers, but when we are out and about we use disposables in a size 3
Eating: every 3-4 hours, eats a fruit at breakfast, veggie at lunch and a veggie with cereal for dinner. She has recently tried spaghetti squash, spinach, mango, and kiwi. Licks the spoon clean each time!
Sleeping: 7-11 pm, 11pm-7 am. Lately she has been waking at 11, eating and then taking forever to go back down- she will cry hysterically if I set her down. It's like she just wants more momma lovin and how can I be mad at that??? I do secretly long for the day she goes 7p-7a though! Soon, it will happen soon, right???? She has also started to move around quite a bit while sleeping. I have positioned her facing one side of the crib and she has woken up facing in the opposite direction. There are also times where she gets stuck in the middle of her crib and is so tall that her feet and head touch both sides. She's not a super fan of that!
Sleeping style: wrapped waist down in the swaddle or in her A+A sleep sack (which is awful in the middle of the night changes because of the silly zipper! oye.)
Likes: playing with big sis, sitting up to play, going for jogs in the stroller, tummy gummies (blowing on her tummy), taking baths, jumping in her bouncer, snuggling with mom
Dislikes: being left alone in a room,
Milestones: sitting up independently, scooting backwards in her walker, squirming around on the play mat and in her crib
She's our baby doll and I cannot love her enough!!!! I love seeing her grow and achieve new milestones, but it is a little bittersweet knowing that she won't be a baby much longer!