Tuesday, November 27, 2012

One Month!

This past week Honor turned one month old! Hard to believe that she is growing up so fast! She is just a delight of a baby girl- still sleeping well, eating well, and taking care of business as usual. She is starting to get more interactive by holding eye contact, grabbing at things and the occasional "smile" as she toots. Kenzie loves her baby sister to pieces- and often is found patting her on the head (sometimes it's more of a swat), giving her kisses, holding her, feeding her a bottle and bouncing her on the bed (sometimes it's a little too bouncy for our liking!). I am sure they will come to be best buds one day and have a ball playing dolls and dress up together.


Hair color: Dark Blonde/Light Brown

Eye Color: Deep Blue

Clothes: 0-3 months, starting to move into 3-6 months

Shoes: size 1

Diapers: size 1

Eating: every 3-4 hours

Sleeping: 9p - 3a , 4a - 7a most nights

Sleeping style: wrapped waist down in light blanket, one arm is usually up and the other is down (like in the photo)

Likes: her sleep sheep, cuddling with mom and dad, sleeping on mom and dad, playing with Kenzie

Dislikes: when mom eats chocolate or yogurt, her feet being touched, taking baths 

Milestones: rolling on her side

Friday, November 16, 2012

3 Weeks!

Honor turned 3 weeks old this week- time is flying by!! She is getting more and more precious every day- not that I ever thought that could be possible! We had her 2 week check up this past Tuesday so I can update her stats for you all:

weight: 9 lbs 7 oz
height: 21.5 inches
head: 38 cm

We also had to schedule her spine ultrasound in the radiology department due to her funny shaped butt. It can be termed a "forked butt crack" or "sacral dimple" and can most likely be more of a cosmetic thing than a medical issue. But, there is always the possibility of a spinal defect because of where the fork happens- the spine is supposed to be fused to the tailbone. A Sacral Dimple is a sign for spina bifida or other spinal defects, which is why we need the ultrasound to see how her spine is fused and developing. It is a little unnerving to think that something so cute can lead to a medical complication- we are praying that everything is good to go! And if not, we love her just the same- she is perfectly and preciously made by the great Creator.

She is still a strong sleeper- getting up usually around 1 am and again at 5 am. She is a hefty eater too- has surpassed her birth weight and is our sweet chunky monkey. She's outgrown her Newborn size clothing and its filling out her 0-3 month outfits. Good thing I was such a savvy shopper with Kenzie- we have more than enough clothing to fit her in every color, print and style! I knew that my shopping addiction would come in handy one day ;)

Here are a few more beautiful 3 week photos to leave you swooning over!

Here are similar poses of both girls. Honor has a little more chub in her cheeks but they still look like twins to me!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Power of Two

Phew! What a whirlwind two weeks it has been since Honor came into our lives. She is just a cuddly little bug who loves to eat and poop! So far in her two weeks of life she has gone on some great adventures! We are so blessed to be in this wonderful state where there is SO much to do and most of it is in the great outdoors! Here's a recap of what's new in Honor's world:

- finally cleared to get rid of the biliblanket, her jaundice has decreased enough to be light free!

- attended Germaine's Luau and watched Big Sis on stage doing the hula!

- family hike through Diamond Head Crater, Honor rode along in the Ergo and had a blast!

- a train ride on the Pineapple Express at the Dole Plantation

- dinner on the beach at Waikiki, where we went through 4 diapers in one changing session :(

- beach trip to Kailua beach to watch mom, dad and Mimi out on the Paddle Boards

- a tour of Pearl Harbor/ USS Arizona Memorial

Needless to say she is quite cultured for only being out in the world for two weeks! Thanks to Mimi we got to do a lot of touristy things during her visit. It's amazing the beauty of the island and how breathtaking the views can be! Here are some more pictures from our adventures around Oahu:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

One Week Old!

Honor turned one week old today!! She is such a sweet baby girl- a great little cuddler and lover. Of course, she can't be absolutely perfect- she is now our official party POOPer. This girl is like a unpredictable cannon. Good thing we love buying diapers because she runs through them like it's going out of style. Her favorite thing to do is to dirty a diaper, then while we are changing her current dirty diaper she will go ahead and fire off again. This event causes lots of gasps and boy does it use a lot of wipes! I know you don't want to read all about how much my kid poops, so we'll move on.

She sleeps great- probably a lot more due to her jaundice than anything. But, I think she will be a great sleeper like her big sis. She is a great eater too- which makes for some exhausting feeding sessions!

We have been in and out of the hospital with her jaundice. She still is tanning with her little biliblanket but we hope to have this thing kicked by the end of the weekend.


Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz.
Height: 21 inches
Likes: her thumb, cuddling, pooping, sleeping, eating
Dislikes: anyone touching her feet, cold wipes, water on her hair 

Some pics:

 The Fam getting ready to go trick or treating! Honor loves going out in her Ergo! 

 Kenzie dressed up as Abby Cadabby and Honor was Elmo

The girls had a wonderful Halloween and I think I already ate 90% of the candy! ha!