Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Sisterly Love

I never had a sister, well until I was 17 years old and technically not a full blood sister, but always wanted one growing up. I would see the bond my friends and their sisters had, the fun inside jokes, dress up and sharing clothes, and all the love that connects them...and I never got to experience it. I am so excited for our girls to have that and am even more excited to see that bond develop with time.

Kenzie, although loves her sister dearly, is still learning how to "play" with Honor. This week we had our first oops incident as Kenzie was flailing her headband (with a rhinestone broach attached) around and it conked Honor right on the head. Honor immediately turned red in the face and let out a blood curdling scream of a cry, holding her breath in between bursts. Kenzie froze, unsure of what to do and what really had happened. After soothing Honor, Kenzie and I had our first heart to heart about being gentle with her. I have a feeling that those will become more often and more intense with time, but I also know that Kenzie has such a big heart for her baby sis.

I've tried hard to capture as many sweet Big Sis and Lil Sis photos as possible. I can already see them posted up on the girls' high school graduation photo boards :)

"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of.  You know whatever you do, they'll still be there."  ~Amy Li

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

One Month!

This past week Honor turned one month old! Hard to believe that she is growing up so fast! She is just a delight of a baby girl- still sleeping well, eating well, and taking care of business as usual. She is starting to get more interactive by holding eye contact, grabbing at things and the occasional "smile" as she toots. Kenzie loves her baby sister to pieces- and often is found patting her on the head (sometimes it's more of a swat), giving her kisses, holding her, feeding her a bottle and bouncing her on the bed (sometimes it's a little too bouncy for our liking!). I am sure they will come to be best buds one day and have a ball playing dolls and dress up together.


Hair color: Dark Blonde/Light Brown

Eye Color: Deep Blue

Clothes: 0-3 months, starting to move into 3-6 months

Shoes: size 1

Diapers: size 1

Eating: every 3-4 hours

Sleeping: 9p - 3a , 4a - 7a most nights

Sleeping style: wrapped waist down in light blanket, one arm is usually up and the other is down (like in the photo)

Likes: her sleep sheep, cuddling with mom and dad, sleeping on mom and dad, playing with Kenzie

Dislikes: when mom eats chocolate or yogurt, her feet being touched, taking baths 

Milestones: rolling on her side

Friday, November 16, 2012

3 Weeks!

Honor turned 3 weeks old this week- time is flying by!! She is getting more and more precious every day- not that I ever thought that could be possible! We had her 2 week check up this past Tuesday so I can update her stats for you all:

weight: 9 lbs 7 oz
height: 21.5 inches
head: 38 cm

We also had to schedule her spine ultrasound in the radiology department due to her funny shaped butt. It can be termed a "forked butt crack" or "sacral dimple" and can most likely be more of a cosmetic thing than a medical issue. But, there is always the possibility of a spinal defect because of where the fork happens- the spine is supposed to be fused to the tailbone. A Sacral Dimple is a sign for spina bifida or other spinal defects, which is why we need the ultrasound to see how her spine is fused and developing. It is a little unnerving to think that something so cute can lead to a medical complication- we are praying that everything is good to go! And if not, we love her just the same- she is perfectly and preciously made by the great Creator.

She is still a strong sleeper- getting up usually around 1 am and again at 5 am. She is a hefty eater too- has surpassed her birth weight and is our sweet chunky monkey. She's outgrown her Newborn size clothing and its filling out her 0-3 month outfits. Good thing I was such a savvy shopper with Kenzie- we have more than enough clothing to fit her in every color, print and style! I knew that my shopping addiction would come in handy one day ;)

Here are a few more beautiful 3 week photos to leave you swooning over!

Here are similar poses of both girls. Honor has a little more chub in her cheeks but they still look like twins to me!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Power of Two

Phew! What a whirlwind two weeks it has been since Honor came into our lives. She is just a cuddly little bug who loves to eat and poop! So far in her two weeks of life she has gone on some great adventures! We are so blessed to be in this wonderful state where there is SO much to do and most of it is in the great outdoors! Here's a recap of what's new in Honor's world:

- finally cleared to get rid of the biliblanket, her jaundice has decreased enough to be light free!

- attended Germaine's Luau and watched Big Sis on stage doing the hula!

- family hike through Diamond Head Crater, Honor rode along in the Ergo and had a blast!

- a train ride on the Pineapple Express at the Dole Plantation

- dinner on the beach at Waikiki, where we went through 4 diapers in one changing session :(

- beach trip to Kailua beach to watch mom, dad and Mimi out on the Paddle Boards

- a tour of Pearl Harbor/ USS Arizona Memorial

Needless to say she is quite cultured for only being out in the world for two weeks! Thanks to Mimi we got to do a lot of touristy things during her visit. It's amazing the beauty of the island and how breathtaking the views can be! Here are some more pictures from our adventures around Oahu:

Thursday, November 1, 2012

One Week Old!

Honor turned one week old today!! She is such a sweet baby girl- a great little cuddler and lover. Of course, she can't be absolutely perfect- she is now our official party POOPer. This girl is like a unpredictable cannon. Good thing we love buying diapers because she runs through them like it's going out of style. Her favorite thing to do is to dirty a diaper, then while we are changing her current dirty diaper she will go ahead and fire off again. This event causes lots of gasps and boy does it use a lot of wipes! I know you don't want to read all about how much my kid poops, so we'll move on.

She sleeps great- probably a lot more due to her jaundice than anything. But, I think she will be a great sleeper like her big sis. She is a great eater too- which makes for some exhausting feeding sessions!

We have been in and out of the hospital with her jaundice. She still is tanning with her little biliblanket but we hope to have this thing kicked by the end of the weekend.


Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz.
Height: 21 inches
Likes: her thumb, cuddling, pooping, sleeping, eating
Dislikes: anyone touching her feet, cold wipes, water on her hair 

Some pics:

 The Fam getting ready to go trick or treating! Honor loves going out in her Ergo! 

 Kenzie dressed up as Abby Cadabby and Honor was Elmo

The girls had a wonderful Halloween and I think I already ate 90% of the candy! ha! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Honor Rose Massolia: The Birth Story

When Kenzie was born we had all 100+ close family members up at the hospital, coming in and out throughout the laboring process and after delivery to see her, hold her, take pics, etc. I swear it was a constant amazing stream of support that filtered in and out of the room. This time, it was Brett, Kenzie and I- which made for a completely different labor and delivery experience. Here's the tale of how Honor Rose made her grand entrance into the world.

Tuesday, October 23rd- Appointment with the midwife. I was 1 centimeter dilated and she swept my membranes. I was disappointed because I had some decent cramping and contractions prior to my appointment and hoped to be measuring a little more than just 1 centimeter! Brett was a great support and took me walking all afternoon around Ala Moana. More cramps but nothing too exciting.

Wednesday, October 24th- 2 am started having decent contractions that were strong enough to keep me awake and uncomfortable. They were about a minute long and 6 minutes apart. I had a MOPS meeting at 9 am and almost decided not to go but at about 7 am the contractions started to fade and space out. Since I just adore my MOPS meetings, Kenzie and I went for it. I had sporadic contractions all throughout the meeting but nothing strong enough to really captivate my attention. After the meeting, Kenzie and I went over to a dear friends house for a little girls play date afternoon. Contractions still were firing off- but nothing too strong or regular for me to whip out my iPhone app and time them. We came home, Kenzie went down for a nap and I thought I better get going on my last three open orders just in case things were going to get good! While sewing, my contractions picked up pace and intensity. Still, only about 6 minutes apart. Triage wants them to be 4 or 5 minutes apart before coming in so we waited it out. Brett has amazing support at work and they let him come home to help me labor it out! It was great to have him there to squeeze through the painful ones! I finished sewing the three dresses and packaged them up for shipping then headed to bed. Contractions were fading and spacing out so I didn't get too hopeful and was able to fall asleep in no time.

Thursday, October 25th- 3 am- waves of really strong contractions began. Strong enough to make me want to punch my sweet slumbering husband (don't worry, I didn't!). I got out the good ol iPhone and started timing them. At first they were about 8 minutes apart but by 5 am were getting closer and stronger. I woke Brett up and we started to make an action plan and pack for the hospital just in case things were going to get real soon. 6 am- I took a long hot shower and had Brett time contractions. They were now averaging about 4 to 5 minutes apart and were getting intense enough for me to grip hard on anything nearby and squeeze through the big waves. We still didn't have any idea of what to do with Kenzie so my focus turned from self to trying to find someone to hang out with her for the day. It was so early that I wasn't able to get a plan in place but decided to call the midwives to see what they recommend I do with these horrid pains! The midwife on duty asked me to take a bath and labor at home until I couldn't stand it anymore. She said I could always come in and get checked to see if it was the real deal or not. Brett and I finished packing up the car, got Kenzie up and dressed and left for the hospital at around 7:30 am. I had him swing by Burger King (barf) on the way so I could have my "last meal" just in case. We arrived to Triage, checked in and went into an NST room by about 8:30. The monitors showed my contractions about 5 minutes apart and as the midwife said "mild" (which scared me for when things got "intense" according to her terminology!). She checked me- 4 centimeters- of course, the borderline dilation where they could still send you home or you could stay. She gave us about 5 different plans of action and left Brett and I to decide what we wanted to do. After really thinking about it- I was honest with myself and we went with the plan to get admitted, get an epidural, have her break my water and see how things went from there. The original plan was to first have her break my water, see how things went and then get an epi if I couldn't stand it. But, as I was laying there waiting for the nurse to come in and get the paperwork started the contractions intensified and that husband-punching sensation returned. The nurse also said that the epi guy would be busy for another hour or two in a c-section so I might want to get the epi as soon as possible. After experiencing contractions for almost 2 days straight, I was getting to my max pain tolerance and as I explained to the midwife- I was "over it at that point." ha!

By that point, I was able to get a hold of a wonderful new friend who was on her way up to the hospital to get Kenzie for the day. I was so thankful because in that small NST room Kenzie was bouncing off the walls and really causing a ruckus! I couldn't imagine what it would be like to go through labor with her there the entire time! It was a huge relief when Brett took her out to meet up with Salla and I could just return focus on Honor and getting her out!

It took what felt like a year for paperwork to get completed and for us to finally move into a room in the Labor and Delivery wing. It was the size of our bottom level in our house so Brett and I had plenty of room! We settled in and got comfy- well he was comfy and I was back to wanting to punch him through the pain. We endured the contractions which were now intense, close and pain medication free. Brett gave me great back rubs as I swayed through the big waves. It was quiet, dark and peaceful in the room- but we sure were missing family like we had last time. A year later (or really probably about an hour or so) the sweet amazing man with the epidural rolled into the room. He hooked it all up, and I was able to not feel the contractions for the first time in two days. Amazing. Or at least, I thought.

The midwife came in to break my water and hopefully speed up the process. Meanwhile, the nurse had me lay over on my left side to help spread out the epidural and keep baby from settling and stalling labor. While laying there, I started to feel the epidural creep up higher and higher and my left eye felt droopy and numb. Bring on the nausea, panicky feeling of not being able to feel my legs and the tightness of the contraction in my ribs. I was a hot mess. I wasn't in pain but I was the furthest from comfortable that I could ever imagine. Brett and the nurse did everything in their power to help me calm down and get comfortable but all I could think was "I don't know" what would make me feel comfortable. I was about to lose my mind when the nurse decided to shut off the epidural. Honestly, it was an out of body experience. I was in a fog- couldn't decide what position felt better, if I needed to get sick or not, if I was sweating or shivering. After a while, the numbness started to go away and I could feel my body stabilizing back into normal. I was able to get comfortable sitting straight up, was able to get sick a little bit and shortly there after was finally feeling okay again.

The nurse rechecked me, fully dilated and ready for go time! I was able to feel the contraction tightness enough to know when to push and when to relax. Brett was by my side the entire time with great encouragement and care. I couldn't have done it without him! With the whole crew in the delivery room, it was time to get baby sister out. 30 minutes or so later, Honor Rose made her grand entrance into the world with the most pink skin and adorably chubby cheeks. She was a dream come true! All 9 months of pain, discomfort, weight gain, swelling, mood swings, sweaty messes and all- everything was finally worth it.

It was incredible how different two labor and delivery experience can go, yet I swear I ended up with the same exact kid twice in a row. Both girls had hair, jaundice and the same turtle nose. Both girls were gifts from God, sweet and perfect in their own way. It was a great experience to have just our immediate family there, although we sure missed all the support and love we had during Kenzie's birth. Sitting with my two girls on the hospital bed, and watching my husband smile at his beautiful family- life feels complete.

The most encouraging text came to me the morning Honor was born- "you get to experience a miracle with God." After reading that- I knew that no matter what happened that day, no matter how much pain or heartache I felt- I was experience a miracle with the Creator. And, Honor Rose is a true testament to the miracles of life that God blesses us with when we choose to Honor the King!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

6 weeks/42 days to go!!!

I don't think I'll last that long, but perhaps that's just wishful thinking!! Since I'm not around family to share the ins and outs of the remainder of this baby cookin', I found this great survey that can clue you in on how things are going! We have an appointment with our midwife on Wednesday so I'll report back then on any changes.

Total Weight Gain? Up almost 30 lbs! Ugh. I loathe being a chubby bunny but I have gained much less than I did with Kenzie so I guess I should be somewhat happy about that!
How far along? 34 Weeks
Maternity clothes? Well, I didn't bring a lot with me to Texas because I thought we'd be getting our household goods from Michigan sometime in July. Silly me! So I have two pairs of shorts and three maternity tanks that I've been rotating along with some regular clothes that still fit.
Stretch marks? None. Yet? Do I dare say it out loud? 
Sleep: nearly nonexistent. Sleeping on a full size loaner bed :( thank goodness for my snoogle or I wouldn't get a wink of sleep! I want my bed soooo very badly!
Best moment this month: getting frequent contractions and dropping feeling, just reminders that delivery is just around the corner! 
Miss anything? Being comfortable. 
Movement: Honor is going to be a: soccer player, gymnast, or just a dancing queen 
Food cravings: cereal and milk (yuck!), pizza sauce, cheese sticks, apples
Anything making you queasy or sick: My vitamins, pretty much anything I eat leaves me feeling queasy for about 15 minutes after I eat
Gender: Chica
 Labor Signs: My belly has dropped big time, I miss having some lap space! Depending on what I do that day, I've been having contractions but nothing regular enough to get excited about :(
Belly Button in or out? Pretty much flat...so I guess neither?
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: moody...unfortunately! 
Looking forward to: Midwife appt Wednesday, house goods come next weekend, mom comes end of october! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today is a somber day for our country. Many are reflecting and reminiscing where they were when they found out about the attacks on the Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. I was just a sophomore in high school, completely naive to what that day really meant for not only my future but for the country as a whole. Little did I know the personal impact that day would have in my life in just 10 short years later. Sitting there in US History I had no clue that in 11 years I would be living on a Marine Corps base, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, serving in the silent ranks of the spouses of the servicemen and women that continue to honor those lives lost and impacted by the events of September 11th.

Brett is an amazing man. Today, I can't help but think of him and his amazing wish to help serve our country and protect our freedom each and every day. I feel such pride and honor when I think about what he does on a daily basis. I know I am unique, not many women even know or understand what their husbands do when they go to work. I know exactly what my husband does. He protects your life. He protects mine. He supports our nation and it's leadership. But, more specifically, he saves the lives of those on the air field. He is an aircraft rescue fire fighter and an amazing one at that! It has been such an uplifting experience to see him take on his job full force and with great motivation. So today, as you think about where you were and what you were doing when you learned about the attacks on 9/11/01- think about those who are working hard to protect both you and I on this very day.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Anxiously Awaiting!!!

There are quite a few upcoming events for the Massolia family...I think I need some countdown tickers to help keep my focus!

Here they are:

Household goods are somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, headed our way! Expected September 28th

Daisypath Vacation tickers

My mom booked her tickets to come! Our first visitor!!! Expected October 28th

Daisypath Vacation tickers

 Baby Honor is coming soon! Expected October 30th

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Phew! That's a lot of good stuff coming our way! Cannot wait!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I know just how to get baby sister out...PART 2

K has come up with some more ideas:

"Jump, jump jump!!! And then keep going"

"Go like this, 'dah dah dah dah'" (in her temper tantrum voice and crazy body shake).

"Just go poop!"

Haha. And the list continues. She tries almost every day to get baby sister out. Personally, I'm all for it...but maybe in a few weeks after we at least have a car seat here!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If you don't win it...you don't get it

Since I've entered the Stroll-Air giveaway via Facebook I have been constantly researching and looking up other side by side strollers. I really could go for a jogging stroller but I know that babies can't go jogging around for the first few months anyway, so that wish can wait until after Christmas or soemthing. I have undoubtedly fallen in love with the Stroll-Air stroller. I love that it can come with a bassinet so baby sister can sleep all snuggly while Kenz and I go for a walk. I love that it has seats that can face the front or the back, depending on how much eye time the girls want to have with their mom! I love that I can just click the baby carrier car seat right into the stroller if Honor is already asleep and I don't want to wake her up in the transition. I also adore that it is bright RED which adds a little flair for my stylistic side :) all in all, I have found myself wondering what will happen if I don't win. Brett and I were discussing this hopefully-never-to-happen event that I don't win. His response was simple: if you don't win it, you don't get it. Plain as that. I have to admit my heart sank a little. But, I know whoever wins will be getting a stellar stroller (say that five times fast!) and will be one blessed mama!

My last post about the giveaway, I promise! If you haven't already gone to the stroll-air Facebook page and left my name in a comment, you really should. You could be helping to making my biggest stroller dream come true :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

"I can get Baby Sister out!"

You know the phrase: "Kids say the darnedest things"??? Well, Kenzie has her new favorite phrase that always leaves Brett and I rolling on the floor in laughter. She is bound and determined to get Baby Sister out of my belly as soon as possible. I told Brett I better start writing these down because they are too funny not to share! Here are some of her recent ideas:

1. "I'll just brush my teeth and she'll come out"
2. "Mom, just put your arms out and spin around fast and Baby Sister will come out"
3. "Just squeeze your belly with your arms like you have to poop and Baby Sister will come out"
4. "Blow out like the Big Bad Wolf and she'll come out"
5. "Just sneeze!"

And today's recent idea, "Here, Mom, let me hit her and then she'll come out!" That idea resulted in me running away from her swatting hands, which in turn became a game of "chase."

I have to admit that I cannot wait for Honor to grace us with her presence, however with our stuff still somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, I hope she waits at least until her car seat arrives or we won't be coming home from the hospital!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

30 Week Check Up

Today was my 30 week check up at Tripler Army Medical Center with the midwives :) I was super stocked because Brett finally got to go along with me to a check up, and we also got to get an ultrasound since I was an incoming patient. Kenzie was a trooper and got to play in the kids waiting room (thanks ASYMCA for free babysitting during appointments) twice in one day!

Our first appointment was the ultrasound in which we got to see Baby Honor and all her growing glory! She has a cute little button nose just like her big sister, and weighs a little over 3 lbs already!! The u/s tech said everything looked good, and after quite a bit of prodding and poking around she was able to get all the views she needed. I left the appointment happy but sore! We were given a whole slew of ultrasound pics but I need to scan them...put that on the to-do list!

We picked K up from the kids room and took her out to lunch at a cute little local place. Back to TAMC we went for the second appointment, this time with a midwife. Kenzie went right back into the kids room and resumed playing. Brett and I met another of the midwives and after the routine blood pressure, temperature, fetal heart rate check we were on our way! Finally got to schedule our hospital tour too :) I only have a few appointments left: 34 weeks, 36 weeks (strep test yuck!), 38, 39, 40. I was measuring 31w3d at this appointment so maybe Honor will come early! *crossing fingers*

We are so blessed with this beautiful, growing baby girl and can't wait to meet her in person! I have nesting fever like MAD right now- unfortunately I cannot nest without all our baby stuff here yet! Here's praying and hoping that our stuff comes earlier than the expected September 28th arrival date! I'm dying for our stuff!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Stroll-Air Giveaway

I still REALLY REALLY want to win this stroller! Good news for me- the contest is still running! Here I am blogging again about how wonderful it would be to have this top-notch stroller for the girls!

Help me win by going to Stroll-Air on facebook and leave a comment that: "Cassie Nicole sent me." I will not only love you forever, but if you have two kiddos in the future I may just re-gift the stroller to you! Win win, right??????

Here are the rules:

Welcome to our summer Stroll-Air My Duo Red Giveaway!!! 
Here is how you can enter: 
1. Hit a SHARE button to share this giveaway post for 2 points
Let your friends and family know about our great giveaway - maybe they win it for you if the
y chose to participate in it doing one or all entries ;).

2. Blog about it for 2 points
Every blog post counts as 2 entry points (post a comment below this post:
"I blogged about Stroll-Air My Duo Red Giveaway. Here is a link: www.______(enter a link to your blog post)". Blog post must include link to our website www.stroll-air.com
and a link to our Facebook pagehttps://www.Facebook.com/StrollAir)

3. Tweet about it for 1 point
Every Tweet counts as 1 point (comment below this post: "I tweeted about Stroll-Air My Duo Giveaway. Here is a link: www.______ (enter a link to your tweet post)". Tweet must include a link to our Facebook page,https://www.Facebook.com/StrollAir, or our www.stroll-air.com website. :) You can tweet as much as you like, but 1 day of tweets will give you 1 entry point.

4. Bring friends over to our page for 1 point
Tell them to comment below this post: "I was referred by____ (your name here)____".

5. Comment below why you would choose Stroll-Air My Duo over any other double stroller for additional 1 point entry.

6. Post a picture of any Stroll-Air products you have and use for additional 2 points (comment below your picture "Stroll-Air My Duo Red Giveaway entry").

But most importantly let us know that you did (and what you did) by commenting below (please note you must LIKE our page in order to comment).

Contest open to residents of Canada and continental US.
Must be 18 or over to win.
Please do not duplicate posts (one tweet per day (new tweet daily only, one blog post per week).
Winner will be chosen on Aug. 31, 2012. :)

Mexico Superb-ness

Kenzie and I had the privilege of tagging along to Aunt Vanessa's wedding celebration in Mexico for two whole weeks! It was tough to be away from Brett again for so long but it was a great time visiting with friends and family that we haven't seen for so very long! We had a stellar flight out there, a great time with Amma Sue at the condo and a wonderful stay at the Catalonia Resort (despite some hiccups along the way- although I will never ever stay there again!). Here are some of my favorite photo memories of our little vacay!

 My little girl became quite the fishy. She lived at the pool all week long! 

Ness was a beautiful bride!!!

Brett even made an appearance (via Facetime) at the reception!

Kenzie stole the show in her OOAK creation made by yours truly!

Kenzie and Wilson became BFFs or Frienimes...depended on the time of day.